プラバー・アトレ 先生。







優れた思想家、学者、作家、作曲家、音楽教育者でもあり、素晴らしいパフォーマーである国際的にも著名なドクター・プラバー・アトレ 。彼女はこんにちのキラーナガラーナー(流派)を代表する国内でもっとも優れたヴォーカリストのひとりとしても認められている。








ドクター・プラバー・アトレ は、これまでに、彼女の卓越した創造性、芸術性、また、古典音楽の声楽の分野にたいする、生涯を賭した追求、貢献を讃えられ、ナショナルアワード、「パドマシュリー」、「パドマブーシャン」「カリダース・サマン」、「サンギート・ナタク・アカデミー」賞を、「タゴール・アカデミー・ラトゥナー」を受賞している。


Dr. Prabha Atre

Internationally renowned Hindustani classical vocalist Dr. Prabha Atre is perhaps the only performer who has also excelled as a brilliant thinker, academician, author, composer and teacher of music.  She is the senior most front ranking vocalist in the country representing the Kirana gharaanaa, today.

Prabha was born in Pune. As children, Prabha and her sister, Usha, were interested in music, but neither of them planned to pursue music as a career. When Prabha was eight, her mother Indirabai was not keeping good health, and at a friend’s suggestion that classical music lessons would help her feel better, she took a few lessons. Listening to those lessons inspired Prabha to learn classical music.

Her music training was in the Guru-shishya tradition. She learnt classical music initially from Vijay Karandikar. She then learnt from Sureshbabu Mane andHirabai Barodekar from the Kirana school for advanced training. She acknowledges the influence of two other greats, Ustad Amir Khan and Bade Ghulam Ali Khan, on her gayaki.

Dr. Prabha Atre has been honoured with the National Awards – ‘PADMASHREE’,‘PADMABHUSHAN’, ‘KALIDAS SAMMAN’, ‘SANGEET NATAK AKADEMI’ Award and‘TAGORE AKADEMI RATNA’ in recognition of her exceptional creativity, highest artistic excellence, outstanding achievement and distinguished life time services in the field of classical vocal music. 

official web site: http://prabhaatre.com/index.html